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[국내논문] 3D 프린팅 패드를 활용한 무릎 보호대의 설계 및 평가
Design and Evaluation of a Knee Protector using a 3D Printing Pad 원문보기

Fashion & textile research journal = 한국의류산업학회지, v.25 no.2, 2023년, pp.221 - 229  

이희옥 (부산대학교 의류학과) ,  박정현 (배재대학교 의류패션학과) ,  이정란 (부산대학교 의류학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aims to develop knee protectors that provide high safety and fitness, while incorporating a motion-adaptable 3D-printed pad. These protectors were evaluated by individuals who experience knee discomfort or pain. The results are as follows. First, the 3Dprinted pad design of a hexagonal me...


참고문헌 (24)

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