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PET-CT Normalization, Well Counter Correction에 따른 팬텀을 이용한 영상 평가
Evaluation of Image for Phantom according to Normalization, Well Counter Correction in PET-CT 원문보기

핵의학기술 = The Korean journal of nuclear medicine technology, v.27 no.1, 2023년, pp.47 - 54  

이충운 (국립암센터 핵의학과) ,  유연욱 (국립암센터 핵의학과) ,  문종운 (국립암센터 핵의학과) ,  김윤철 (국립암센터 핵의학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose PET-CT imaging require an appropriate quality assurance system to achieve high efficiency and reliability. Quality control is essential for improving the quality of care and patient safety. Currently, there are performance evaluation methods of UN2-1994 and UN2-2001 proposed by NEMA and IEC ...


참고문헌 (17)

  1. Lee MC. Current status and future perspective of?PET. Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2002;36(1):1-7.? 

  2. Ko CS. Nuclear Medicine. 3rd ed. Korea med?publish; 2008. p. 81, p. 106? 

  3. AAPM publication. AAPM report no.126. PET-CT?acceptance testing and quality assurance. 

  4. General Electric Healthcare. Technical publication:?Discovery TM PET-CT 600 series user manual?5400906-1KO. Milwaukee, General Electric?company. 2019? 

  5. Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologist.?Guidelines for PET and PET-CT quality control?items and measurement methods. 2009? 

  6. National Electrical Manufacturers Association?NEMA standard publication NU 2-1994.?Performance measurements of positron emission tomography. National Electrical Manufacturers?Association. 1994? 

  7. National Electrical Manufacturers Association?NEMA standard publication NU 2-2001.?Performance measurements of positron emission tomography. National Electrical Manufacturers?Association. 2001? 

  8. Lee BI. Quality assurance and performance?evaluation of PET-CT. Nucl Med Mol Imaging.?2008;42(2):137-44.? 

  9. Bettinardi V, Presotto L, Rapisarda E, Picchio M,?Gianolli L, Gilardi MC. Physical performance of?the new hybrid PET-CT Discovery-690. Med?Phys. 2011;38(10):394-411.? 

  10. Boellaard R, O'Doherty MJ, Weber WA,?Mottaghy FM, Lonsdale MN, Stroobants SG, et?al. FDG PET and PET-CT: EANM procedure?guidelines for tumor PET imaging: version 1.0.?Eur J Nucl Med. 2010;37:181.? 

  11. National Electrical Manufactures Association. Standards publication NU-2: Performance?measurements of positron emission tomographys. Rosslynm VA. 2007? 

  12. International Eletrotechnical Comission.?Characteristics and test conditions Part1:?Positron emission tomographys. Genevam?Switzerland. 1998? 

  13. Kaalep A, Burggraaff CN, Pieplenbosch S,?Verwer EE, Sera T, Zijlstra J, et al. Quantitative?implications of the updated EARL 2019 PET-CT?performance standards. EJNMMI Physics. 2019;6:28.? 

  14. EARL PET-CT accreditation user manual?Version 3.3. 2021? 

  15. Sokole EB, Plachcinska A, Britten A,?Georgosopoulou ML, Tindale W, Klett R.?Routine quality control recommendations for?nuclear medicine instrumentation. EJNMMI.?2010;37:662-71.? 

  16. General Electric Healthcare. Technical publication:?Discovery TM MI and Discovery TM MI columbia?user manual 5720964-1EN. Milwaukee, General?Electric Company. 2019? 

  17. Kaalep A, Sera T, Bijndorp S, Yaqub M, Talsma?A, Lodge MA, et al. Feasibility of state of the art?PET-CT systems performance harmonisation.?EJNMMI. 2018;45:1344-61.? 

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