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[국내논문] 온라인 패션 쇼핑몰 판매촉진에 대한 소비자 만족도와 행동 의도의 관련성 연구
A study of the relationship between consumer satisfaction and behavioral intention in relation to sales promotion in online fashion shopping malls 원문보기

The Research Journal of the Costume Culture = 복식문화연구, v.31 no.4, 2023년, pp.519 - 532  

김민경 (장안대학교 패션디자인과) ,  이상인 (상명대학교 의류학전공)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The online shopping market is expanding, with online shopping malls now subdivided into personal computer(PC) and mobile versions. Meanwhile, various efforts to promote online sales are being carried out in a bid to improve performance, and detailed research is required to inform such strategies. Th...


참고문헌 (19)

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  8. Kim, E. Y., & Kim, T. Y. (2016). A structural model?of relationship between consumer price perception, evaluation rules and utilitarian shopping?value in using mobile promotions for fashion?products. Journal of Consumer Studies, 27(4),?153-173. 

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  13. Lee, S.-J., & Lee, J.-H. (2022). The analysis regarding inducing and hindering factors of online?fashion product browsing. Journal of the Korea?Society of Computer and Information, 27(10),?67-80. doi:10.9708/jksci.2022.27.10.067 

  14. Lim, D.-S. (2017). Impulse buying in online shopping:?Online shopping malls and consumer propensity.?Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Mokpo National University, Mokpo, Korea. 

  15. Seo, J. (2007). A study on possible effects of promotion type upon promotion attitude and membership intent. Unpublished master's thesis, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea. 

  16. Seo, J., Kim, H., & Park, M. (2022). Fashion brand?sales forecasting analysis using ARDL time series?model: Focusing on brand and advertising endorser's web search volume, information amount?and brand promotion. Journal of the Korean?Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(5), 868-889.?doi:10.5850/JKSCT.2022.46.5.868 

  17. Shin, J.-H., & Choi, C.-H. (2019). Effect of sales?promotion type stimulating consumption want of?generation Z: Targeted by soccer goods brand of?online market. The Korean Journal of Sport, 17(1), 319-328. 

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  19. Yu, J. H. (2010). The effects of flow on consumers'?purchase intention at a fashion internet shopping?mall. Unpublished master's thesis, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. 

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