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[국내논문] 엘리트 수영선수들의 수중 훈련 전후의 상지 근육 특성 변화 분석
Analysis of Upper Limb Muscles Properties In Elite Swimmers Before and After Training 원문보기

Korean journal of applied biomechanics, v.33 no.3, 2023년, pp.101 - 109  

Raphael Kihong Koo (Department of Sports Science, Korea Institute of Sport Science (KISS)) ,  Hyunwoo Kang (Department of Sports Science, Korea Institute of Sport Science (KISS)) ,  Seong Won Park (Creative Real Swimming (CRS) Team) ,  Taewhan Kim (Department of Sports Science, Korea Institute of Sport Science (KISS))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: The aim of this study is to verify the differences in muscle characteristics of elite level swimmers before and after a 2-hour practice session. Method: The study was conducted on 15 elite swimmers. Preliminary measurements for each muscle (Anterior Deltoid, Triceps Brachii, Biceps Brachi...


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