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[국내논문] 국내 담수산 애완가재 수입현황 및 잠재적 침입외래종 가재에 관한 연구
A Study on the Import Status of Pet Freshwater Crayfish and Potential Invasive Alien Species Crayfish in Korea 원문보기

생태와 환경 = Korean journal of ecology and environment, v.56 no.3, 2023년, pp.242 - 249  

박영준 (국립생태원 외래생물팀) ,  전용락 (국립생태원 자연환경조사팀)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The aquarium pet trade is a source of potentially invasive crayfish species, which can be subsequently intentionally or unintentionally introduced into new environments. There were 34 species of freshwater crayfish imported into Korea for ornamental purposes. Starting with 1 species in 2008, it show...


참고문헌 (39)

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