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[국내논문] 자율신경균형 증진 간호중재를 위한 생행동적 이론적 기틀 구축: 세포노화 기전 기반으로
A biobehavioral theoretical framework based on the mechanism of cellular aging for nursing interventions to promote autonomic balance

Journal of Korean biological nursing science, v.26 no.2, 2024년, pp.99 - 110  

김나현 (계명대학교 간호대학) ,  박주연 (대구대학교 간호대학)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: This study reviewed the pathophysiological mechanisms of cellular aging caused by psychological stress and aimed to establish a biobehavioral theoretical framework for nursing interventions to promote autonomic balance based on these mechanisms. Methods: A comprehensive literature review wa...


참고문헌 (86)

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