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[국내논문] 구증구포 생강 분말을 첨가한 생강 조청의 항산화 활성과 품질 특성
Antioxidant Activity and Quality properties of Ginger Jocheong added with Gujeung-gupo Ginger Powder 원문보기

Human ecology research : HER, v.62 no.2, 2024년, pp.327 - 336  

김미경 (전남대학교 대학원 식품영양학과) ,  정복미 (전남대학교 식품영양과학부) ,  전은례 (원광대학교 가정교육과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was investigated to examine the antioxidant activity and quality characteristics of ginger Jocheong added with Gujeung-gupo ginger powder and the results were as follows. As the amount of Gujeung-gupo ginger powder added into ginger Jocheong increased, the moisture and carbohydrate conten...


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