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NTIS 바로가기자원환경지질 = Economic and environmental geology, v.57 no.3, 2024년, pp.305 - 317
황의정 (전남대학교 에너지자원공학과) , 최예진 (전남대학교 에너지자원공학과) , 한협조 (한국지질자원연구원 자원환경연구센터) , 윤대웅 (전남대학교 에너지자원공학과) , 이종운 (전남대학교 에너지자원공학과)
To investigate the effect of changes in microbial communities on arsenic release in soil, experiments were conducted on arsenic-contaminated soils (F1, G7, and G10). The experiments involved three groups of the experimental sets; ① BAC: sterilized soil + Bacillus fungorum, ② IND: indig...
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