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[국내논문] 고흥 K-UAM 그랜드 챌린지 실증지역에서의 난류 분석
Analysis of Turbulence at the K-UAM Grand Challenge Site in Goheung 원문보기

한국항공운항학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics, v.32 no.3, 2024년, pp.114 - 123  

김민성 (국립과학기상원 기상응용연구부) ,  최희욱 (국립과학기상원 기상응용연구부) ,  박성화 (국립과학기상원 기상응용연구부) ,  김근회 (국립과학기상원 기상응용연구부) ,  이상삼 (국립과학기상원 기상응용연구부) ,  이용희 (수치모델링센터 수치자료응용과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Recently, urban population congestion has caused significant traffic and air pollution problems in city centers. To address these issues, Urban Air Mobility (UAM) has been proposed, with commercialization targeted for 2025 in Korea. The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) has been conducting t...


참고문헌 (18)

  1. UAM Team Korea, "K-UAM roadmap", Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport,?2020. 

  2. UAM Team Korea, "K-UAM technology roadmap", Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and?Transport, 2021. 

  3. UAM Team Korea, "Operational plan for the?Korean urban air mobility (K-UAM) grand?challenge", Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,?and Transport (http://www.molit.go.kr), 2021. 

  4. \McKercher, Richard G., et al., "Modelling?and control of an urban air mobility vehicle?subject to empirically-developed urban airflow disturbances", Aerospace, 11(3), 2024,?pp.220. 

  5. Archdeacon, J. L., and Iwai, N., "Aerospace?cognitive engineering laboratory (ACELAB)?simulator for urban air mobility (UAM) research and development", In AIAA Aviation?2020 Forum, 2020, pp.3187. 

  6. Al Labbad, M., Wall, A., Larose, G. L.,?Khouli, F., and Barber, H., "Experimental investigations into the effect of urban airflow?characteristics on urban air mobility applications", Journal of Wind Engineering and?Industrial Aerodynamics, 2022, pp.229. 

  7. Schweiger, K., Schmitz, R., and Knabe, F.,?"Impact of wind on eVTOL operations and?implications for vertiport airside traffic?flows: A case study of hamburg and munich",?Drones, 7(7), 2023, pp.464. 

  8. Mohamed, A., Marino, M., Watkins, S., Jaworski, J., and Jones, A., "Gusts encountered?by flying vehicles in proximity to buildings",?Drones, 7(1), 2023, pp.22. 

  9. Bauranov, A., and Rakas, J., "Designing airspace for urban air mobility: A review of?concepts and approaches", Progress in Aerospace ScieEnces, 125, 2021, pp.100726. 

  10. Won, W. S, Kim, Y. M., "Weather barriers?of urban air mobility (UAM) operations: A?case study of the visibility and wind shear?around Han-river corridor", Atmosphere.?Korean Meteorological Society, 33(4), 2023,?pp.413-422. 

  11. Kang, Y. J., Choi, H. W., Choi, Y. N., Lee, S.?S., Hwang, H. W., Lee, H. J., and Lee, Y. H.,?"Performance evaluation and improvement?of operational aviation turbulence prediction model for middle- and upper- levels", Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics, 31(3), 2023, pp.30-41. 

  12. ICAO, "Meteorological service for international air navigation, 17th edition", ICAO:?Montreal, CA, Canada, 2010, pp.206. 

  13. Kolmogorov, A. N., "Energy dissipation in?locally isotropic turbulence", Dokl. Akad.?Nauk. SSSR. 32, 1941. 

  14. Bodini, N., Lundquist, J. K., and Newsom, R.?K., "Estimation of turbulence dissipation rate?and its variability from sonic anemometer?and wind Doppler lidar during the XPIA?field campaign", Atmospheric Measurement?Techniques, 11(7), 2018, pp.4291-4308. 

  15. Taylor, G. I., "Statistical theory of turbulence, in: Proceedings of the Royal Society?of London A: Mathematical", Physical and?Engineering Sciences, 1935, pp.421-444. 

  16. Welch, P., "The use of fast Fourier transform for the estimation of power spectra:?A method based on time averaging over?short, modified periodograms", IEEE Trans.?Audio Electroacoust, 15, 1967, pp.70-73. 

  17. Kim, J., Kim, J. H., and Sharman, R. D.,?"Characteristics of energy dissipation rate?observed from the high-frequency sonic?anemometer at Boseong, South Korea", Atmosphere, 12(7), 2021, pp.837. 

  18. ICAO, "Meeting of the meteorology panel?(METP) working group MOG", Internatioanal?Civil Aviation Organization(https://www.icao.?int), 2017, pp.1-17.? 

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