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Composite connections in steel and concrete. I. Experimental behaviour of composite beam-Column connections

Journal of constructional steel research : JCSR, v.31 no.1, 1994년, pp.3 - 30  

Xiao, Y. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD,, Nottingham, UK) ,  Choo, B.S. ,  Nethercot, D.A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A series of tests designed to investigate the interaction of a variety of different steel beam to column details with a composite metal deck floor is described. The main emphasis is on assessing the connections' moment capacity, rotational stiffness and rotation capacity. A wide range of variables w...

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Patrick 54 1988 Proceedings of 3rd Conference on Steel Development Composite floor systems in commercial buildings 

  2. Struct. Engr Mathys 65A 2 47 1987 Multistory steel buildings-a new generation: the current scene 

  3. J. Construct. Steel Res. Wright 7 4 279 1987 10.1016/0143-974X(87)90003-4 The use of profiled steel sheeting in floor construction 

  4. Zandonini 63 1989 Structural Connections: Stability and Strength Semi-rigid composite joints 

  5. Nethercot 177 1991 Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop: Connections in Steel Structures, Behaviour, Strength and Design Tests on composite connections 

  6. 1990 Part 3.1: Code of Practice for Design of Simple and Continuous Composite Beams 

  7. 1992 Eurocode 4 

  8. Struct. Engr Davison 68 24 489 1990 Semi-rigid action of composite joints 

  9. Xiao 691 1992 Proceedings of 11th International Speciality Conference on Cold Formed Steel Structures The influence of composite metal deck floorings on beam-column connection performance 

  10. Xiao 331 1992 Proceedings of the First World Conference on Constructional Steel Design Moment resistance of composite connections in steel and concrete 

  11. Xiao 1993 Proceedings of Conference on Innovative Design for Structures Design of semi-rigid composite beam-column connection 

  12. 1983 Testing Concrete, Part 116: Method for Determination of Compressive Strength; Part 117: Method for Determination of Tensile Splitting Strength 

  13. 1990 Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials, Part 1: Method of Test at Ambient Temperature 

  14. 1988 Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete 

  15. Moore 225 1992 Constructional Steel Design: World Developments The design of flush and extended end-plate connections with backing plates 

  16. BCSA/SCI 1993 

  17. Lam 1989 Influence of composite flooring on steel beam-column connections 

  18. Struct. Engr Owens 70 3/4 37 1992 Steelwork connections 

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