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[해외논문] Journal readership amongst Australian physiotherapists: a cross-national replication

The Australian journal of physiotherapy, v.43 no.3, 1997년, pp.197 - 202  

Turner, Patricia ,  Whitfield, Allan

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study, a replication of one carried out in England, describes a survey of journal readership by physiotherapists in hospital practice in Australia. The results reveal that, besides a high and widespread readership of newsletters, more than 90 per cent of respondents read journals other than the...

참고문헌 (17)

  1. 10.1093/ptj/53.3.293 American Physical Therapy Association (1973): Physical Therapy readership survey 1972 results. Physical Therapy 53: 293-299. 

  2. Australian Physiotherapy Association. 1991. Readership survey 1990 results. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 37, 273. 

  3. Physiotherapy Canada Arsenault 34 28 1982 A perspective on Physiotherapy Canada: results of 1981 readership survey 

  4. Physiotherapy Theory & Practice Bohannon 6 215 1990 10.3109/09593989009048297 Information accessing behaviour of physical therapists 

  5. Physical Therapy Bohannon 66 45 1986 10.1093/ptj/66.1.45 Clinicians' use of research findings 

  6. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (1994): Continuing Professional Development (Briefing paper). Physiotherapy 80: 623-624. 

  7. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy Crosbie 39 165 1993 Promoting quality in the reporting of research 

  8. South African Journal of Physiotherapy David 41 18 1986 The poor image of physiotherapy - are you contributing to the problem or helping with the solution? 

  9. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy Downes 36 232 1990 Stop worrying - start writing 

  10. Physical Therapy Hightower 53 16 1973 10.1093/ptj/53.1.16 Continuing education in Physical Therapy 

  11. Physiotherapy Theory & Practiced Mitchell 171 1993 10.3109/09593989309047457 World trends in physiotherapy research in the 1980s 

  12. Physiotherapy Newham 80 337 1994 10.1016/S0031-9406(10)61089-9 Practical Research 

  13. Physical Therapy Rothstein 70 467 1990 10.1093/ptj/70.8.467 Upon these rocks (Editorial) 

  14. Physical Therapy Rothstein 70 278 1990 Caveat Emptor (Editorial) 

  15. Physical Therapy Robertson 75 223 1995 10.1093/ptj/75.3.223 Research and the cumulation of knowledge in physical therapy 

  16. Physiotherapy Titchen 73 121 1987 Continuing Education: a study of physiotherapists' attitudes 

  17. Physiotherapy Theory & Practice Turner 12 230 1996 10.3109/09593989609036439 A multivariate analysis of physiotherapy clinicians' journal readership 

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