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[해외논문] Plasma and muscle cortisol measurements as indicators of meat quality and stress in pigs

Meat science, v.39 no.2, 1995년, pp.237 - 246  

Shaw, F.D. (CSIRO Division of Food Science and Technology, Meat Research Laboratory, PO Box 12 Cannon Hill, Queensland 4170, Australia) ,  Trout, G.R. (CSIRO Division of Food Science and Technology, Meat Research Laboratory, PO Box 12 Cannon Hill, Queensland 4170, Australia)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractPost-slaughter blood samples and muscle samples were collected from pigs slaughtered at the completion of a live-animal performance trial. There were two lines of pigs in which the halothane allele (n) was segregating. The lines were a lean line selected for rapid lean growth and an unselect...

참고문헌 (30)

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