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Evolution : international journal of organic evolution, v.52 no.1, 1998년, pp.68 - 79  

Kardon, Gabrielle (Museum of Paleontology)


Conchiolin layers, organic-rich laminae, are characteristic of the shells of corbulid bivalves. The retention of these layers, despite their high metabolic cost, throughout the evolutionary history of Corbulidae has prompted the proposal of several adaptive scenarios to explain the origin and maintenance of these layers. The most widely held hypothesis contends that conchiolin layers are an adaptation for inhibiting drilling by predatory naticid gastropods. However, others suggest that the layers are adaptations to retard shell dissolution in waters undersaturated with calcium carbonate or to increase shell strength in the face of durophagous (shell crushing) predators. In this paper, experiments using recent Corbula (Varicorbula) gibba (Olivi) and observations of corbulids' present natural habitat demonstrate the current utility of conchiolin layers for all three functions: retardation of shell dissolution in waters undersaturated in calcium carbonate, increase of mechanical shell strength, and inhibition of drilling by predatory naticid gastropods. Earlier analyses of the extensive history of naticid predator-corbulid prey interactions suggested that conchiolin layers were an adaptation, a feature that promotes fitness and was built by selection for its current role, for deterring naticid predators. Not only are naticid drillholes widespread in fossil and recent corbulid shells, but an unusually large number of incomplete drillholes terminate unsuccessfully at conchiolin layers. In addition, a phylogenetic analysis of the origin of conchiolin layers and its function to deter naticid predators is consistent with a hypothesis of adaptation for this function. However, this hypothesis is rejected by an examination of fossil Jurassic Corbulomima. These oldest corbulids contained conchiolin layers before the evolution of naticid drilling during the Early Cretaceous. Therefore, conchiolin layers appear to be an exaptation, characters evolved for other usages and later 'coopted' for their current role, for defense against drilling predators. The layers may in fact be an adaptation to resist durophagous predation.

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