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NTIS 바로가기International journal of industrial ergonomics, v.23 no.5/6, 1999년, pp.407 - 414
Forsthoff, A (Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-231-10 84 225) , Neffgen, H (fax: +49-231-10 84 400.)
AbstractApproximately 900 climatic chamber experiments were performed with 16 male subjects to study the thermal strain at climates including increased heat radiation. Based on the reactions of heart rate, rectal temperature and sweat rate, a heat stress index was developed for the assessment of cli...
DIN 33 403, Teil 3, 1986 and DIN 33 403, Teil 3(draft), 1996. Klima am Arbeitsplatz und in der Arbeitsumgebung. Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, FRG.
Verhardlungen Deutscher Gesellschaft fur Arbeitsmedizin Forsthoff 30 371 1990 Ermittlung aquivalenter Klimate fur bekleidete Personen durch ein modifiziertes Globethermometer
ISO 7726, 1985. Thermal environments; Instruments and methods for measuring physical quantities.
ISO 7243, 1989. Hot environments; Estimation of the heat stress on working man, based on the WBGT-Index (wet bulb globe temperature).
ISO 7933, 1989. Hot environments; Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal stress using calculation of required sweat rate.
Zhurnal Arbeitsmedizin wissenschaften Noack 35 82 1985 Ein neues Meßgerat zur Erfassung der Warmestrahlungsbelastung
Webb 3 Part 3 245 1963 Pain limited heat exposures
International Zhurnal Angewandth Physiology Wenzel 25 235 1968 Technische Erfahrungen uber Bau und Betrieb einer Klimakammer fur arbeitsphysiologische Untersuchungen am Menschen
Scandinanian Journal of Work and Environmental Health Wenzel 15 suppl. I 47 1989 Modification of Vernon's globe thermometer and its calibration in terms of physiological strain
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