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[해외논문] Kinetics of Sn and Co codeposition in citrate solutions

Electrochimica acta, v.46 no.4, 2000년, pp.571 - 577  

Survila, Arvydas (Corresponding author. Fax: +370-2-617018) ,  Mockus, Zenius (Department of Electrochemical Kinetics, Institute of Chemistry, A. Goš) ,  Kanapeckait≐, Stas≐ (tauto 9, LT 2600 Vilnius, Lithuania)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe model of mass transport taking into account mobile chemical interactions in the Nernst-type diffusion layer is used for the estimation of surface concentration of Sn(II) and Co(II) citrate complexes. The analysis of the solution composition indicates that the complexation degree of Sn(II...


참고문헌 (25)

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