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[해외논문] Thermal stability characteristics of high-power, large-capacity, reserve thermal batteries with pure Li and Li(Si) anodes

Electrochimica acta, v.353, 2020년, pp.136612 -   

Cho, Jang-Hyeon (Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST) ,  Im, Chae Nam (Agency for Defense Development) ,  Choi, Chi Hun (Agency for Defense Development) ,  Ha, Sang-hyeon (Agency for Defense Development) ,  Yoon, Hyun-Ki (Agency for Defense Development) ,  Choi, Yusong (Agency for Defense Development) ,  Bae, Joongmyeon (Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract High-power, large-capacity reserve thermal batteries are useful power sources for the actuators of guided weapons and propulsion for the underwater vehicles. However, unexpected thermal runaway and explosions can occur due to the thermal design error. Preventing such accidents is crucial a...


참고문헌 (25)

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