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[해외논문] Impacts of cellulose nanofibril and physical aging on the enthalpy relaxation behavior and dynamic mechanical thermal properties of Poly(lactic acid) composite films

Polymer, v.202, 2020년, pp.122677 -   

Lee, Ji-Su (Corresponding author.) ,  Hwang, Gyu Hyun ,  Kwon, Young Seung ,  Jeong, Young Gyu

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract We herein report the influences of cellulose nanofibril (CNF) and physical aging on the enthalpy relaxation behavior, thermal transition, and dynamic mechanical properties of eco-friendly poly(lactic acid) (PLA) composite films with 0.5–7.0 wt% CNF loadings, which were fabricated by ...


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