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[국내논문] Optimization of Ex-situ Experiment and Application in Contaminated Sediment for Determination of the Freely Dissolved Concentration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
자유용존상 PAHs 측정을 위한 ex-situ 실험법 최적화 및 현장적용

한국해양환경ㆍ에너지학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy, v.23 no.3, 2020년, pp.109 - 116  

Jeong, Da Yeong ,  Jang, Yu Lee ,  Lee, Hyo Jin ,  Jeong, Hae Jin ,  Kim, Na Yeong ,  Won, Jong Ho ,  Kim, Gi Beum

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (31)

  1. Apell, Jennifer N., Gschwend, Philip M.. Validating the Use of Performance Reference Compounds in Passive Samplers to Assess Porewater Concentrations in Sediment Beds. Environmental science & technology, vol.48, no.17, 10301-10307.

  2. Apell, J.N., Gschwend, P.M.. In situ passive sampling of sediments in the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund site: Replicability, comparison with ex situ measurements, and use of data. Environmental pollution, vol.218, 95-101.

  3. Burgess, Robert M., Berry, Walter J., Mount, David R., Di Toro, Dominic M.. Mechanistic sediment quality guidelines based on contaminant bioavailability: Equilibrium partitioning sediment benchmarks. Environmental toxicology and chemistry, vol.32, no.1, 102-114.

  4. Cui, X., Mayer, P., Gan, J.. Methods to assess bioavailability of hydrophobic organic contaminants: Principles, operations, and limitations. Environmental pollution, vol.172, 223-234.

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  6. Endo, Satoshi, Yabuki, Yoshinori, Tanaka, Shuhei. Comparing polyethylene and polyoxymethylene passive samplers for measuring sediment porewater concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls: Mutual validation and possible correction by polymer-polymer partition experiment. Chemosphere, vol.184, 358-365.

  7. Friedman, C.L., Lohmann, R.. Comparing sediment equilibrium partitioning and passive sampling techniques to estimate benthic biota PCDD/F concentrations in Newark Bay, New Jersey (U.S.A.). Environmental pollution, vol.186, 172-179.

  8. Gao, Xiaozhong, Xu, Yiping, Ma, Mei, Rao, Kaifeng, Wang, Zijian. Simultaneous passive sampling of hydrophilic and hydrophobic emerging organic contaminants in water. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, vol.178, 25-32.

  9. Ghosh, Upal, Driscoll, Susan Kane, Burgess, Robert M, Jonker, Michiel To, Reible, Danny, Gobas, Frank, Choi, Yongju, Apitz, Sabine E, Maruya, Keith A, Gala, William R, Mortimer, Munro, Beegan, Chris. Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: Practical guidance for selection, calibration, and implementation. Integrated environmental assessment and management, vol.10, no.2, 210-223.

  10. Gschwend, Philip M., MacFarlane, John K., Reible, Danny D., Lu, X., Hawthorne, Steven B., Nakles, David V., Thompson, Timothy. Comparison of polymeric samplers for accurately assessing PCBs in pore waters. Environmental toxicology and chemistry, vol.30, no.6, 1288-1296.

  11. Hawthorne, Steven B., Jonker, Michiel T. O., van der Heijden, Stephan A., Grabanski, Carol B., Azzolina, Nicholas A., Miller, David J.. Measuring Picogram per Liter Concentrations of Freely Dissolved Parent and Alkyl PAHs (PAH-34), Using Passive Sampling with Polyoxymethylene. Analytical chemistry, vol.83, no.17, 6754-6761.

  12. Jang, Y.L., Lee, H.J., Jeong, H.J., Kim, G.B., 2019, Application of Passive Sampling in Marine Environment: 2. Modified Method for Shortening of Deployment Time in a Field. J. Korean Soc. Oceanogr, 24, 249-265. 

  13. 10.1021/acs.est.7b05752 Jonker, M.T., Van Der Heijden, Stephan A, Adelman, D., Apell, J.N., Burgess, R.M., Choi, Y., Fernandez, L.A., Flavetta, G.M., Ghosh, U. and Gschwend, P.M., 2018. Advancing the use of passive sampling in risk assessment and management of sediments contaminated with hydrophobic organic chemicals: Results of an international ex situ passive sampling interlaboratory comparison. Sci. Technol, 52(6), 3574-3582. 

  14. Koziel, J., Jia, M., Pawliszyn, J.. Air Sampling with Porous Solid-Phase Microextraction Fibers. Analytical chemistry, vol.72, no.21, 5178-5186.

  15. Lang, Susann-Cathrin, Hursthouse, Andrew, Mayer, Philipp, Kötke, Danjiela, Hand, Ines, Schulz-Bull, Detlef, Witt, Gesine. Equilibrium passive sampling as a tool to study polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Baltic Sea sediment pore-water systems. Marine pollution bulletin, vol.101, no.1, 296-303.

  16. Lao, Wenjian, Maruya, Keith A., Tsukada, David. An exponential model based new approach for correcting aqueous concentrations of hydrophobic organic chemicals measured by polyethylene passive samplers. The Science of the total environment, vol.646, 11-18.

  17. 이효진, 장유리, 정해진, 김기범. 해양환경에서의 수동형 채집기(passive sampler) 활용: 1. 난분해성 유기오염물질(persistent organic pollutants, POPs). 한국해양환경ㆍ에너지학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy, vol.22, no.2, 95-104.

  18. Lohmann, Rainer. Critical Review of Low-DensityPolyethylene’sPartitioning and Diffusion Coefficients for Trace Organic Contaminantsand Implications for Its Use As a Passive Sampler. Environmental science & technology, vol.46, no.2, 606-618.

  19. Lydy, Michael J, Landrum, Peter F, Oen, Amy MP, Allinson, Mayumi, Smedes, Foppe, Harwood, Amanda D, Li, Huizhen, Maruya, Keith A, Liu, Jingfu. Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: State of the science for organic contaminants. Integrated environmental assessment and management, vol.10, no.2, 167-178.

  20. Mayer, Philipp, Parkerton, Thomas F, Adams, Rachel G, Cargill, John G, Gan, Jay, Gouin, Todd, Gschwend, Philip M, Hawthorne, Steven B, Helm, Paul, Witt, Gesine, You, Jing, Escher, Beate I. Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: Scientific rationale supporting use of freely dissolved concentrations. Integrated environmental assessment and management, vol.10, no.2, 197-209.

  21. Smedes, Foppe, van Vliet, L. Alexander, Booij, Kees. Multi-Ratio Equilibrium Passive Sampling Method to Estimate Accessible and Pore Water Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediment. Environmental science & technology, vol.47, no.1, 510-517.

  22. Tuncel, Semra G., Topal, Tansel. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sea sediments of the Turkish Mediterranean coast, composition and sources. Environmental science and pollution research international, vol.22, no.6, 4213-4221.

  23. Vrana, Branislav, Allan, Ian J., Greenwood, Richard. Passive sampling techniques for monitoring pollutants in water. Trends in analytical chemistry : TrAC, vol.24, no.10, 845-868.

  24. Walker, Tony R.. Environmental Effects Monitoring in Sydney Harbor During Remediation of One of Canada's Most Polluted Sites: A Review and Lessons Learned. Remediation : the journal of environmental cleanup costs, technologies & techniques, vol.24, no.3, 103-117.

  25. Wenning, R.J., 2005, Use of sediment quality guidelines and related tools for the assessment of contaminated sediments, SETAC, Pensacola, FL. 

  26. Witt, Gesine, Lang, Susann-Cathrin, Ullmann, Dagny, Schaffrath, Gotja, Schulz-Bull, Detlef, Mayer, Philipp. Passive Equilibrium Sampler for in Situ Measurements of Freely Dissolved Concentrations of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals in Sediments. Environmental science & technology, vol.47, no.14, 7830-7839.

  27. Witt, G., Liehr, G.A., Borck, D., Mayer, P.. Matrix solid-phase microextraction for measuring freely dissolved concentrations and chemical activities of PAHs in sediment cores from the western Baltic Sea. Chemosphere, vol.74, no.4, 522-529.

  28. Xia, X., Zhai, Y., Dong, J.. Contribution ratio of freely to total dissolved concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in natural river waters. Chemosphere, vol.90, no.6, 1785-1793.

  29. Yates, K., Pollard, P., Davies, I., Webster, L., Moffat, C.. Silicone rubber passive samplers for measuring pore water and exchangeable concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons concentrations in sediments. The Science of the total environment, vol.463, 988-996.

  30. Yim, U.H., Hong, S.H., Ha, S.Y., Han, G.M., An, J.G., Kim, N.S., Lim, D.i., Choi, H.W., Shim, W.J.. Source- and region-specific distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from Jinhae Bay, Korea. The Science of the total environment, vol.470, 1485-1493.

  31. Yim, U.H., Hong, S.H., Shim, W.J.. Distribution and characteristics of PAHs in sediments from the marine environment of Korea. Chemosphere, vol.68, no.1, 85-92.

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