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Thermal and Mechanical Design for Refrigeration System of 10 MW Class HTS Wind Power Generator

IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity : a publication of the IEEE Superconductivity Committee, v.30 no.4, 2020년, pp.1 - 5  

Lee, Jaehwan (Changwon National University, Changwon, South Korea) ,  Seo, Geonhang (Changwon National University, Changwon, South Korea) ,  Mun, Jeongmin (Changwon National University, Changwon, South Korea) ,  Park, Minwon (Changwon National University, Changwon, South Korea) ,  Kim, Seokho (Changwon National University, Changwon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A 10 MW class high temperature superconducting (HTS) wind power generator is being developed using REBCO wires for offshore installations. The REBCO coil operates at 35 K and is cooled via forced circulation of helium gas cooled though a heat exchanger in a rotating neon reservoir. Thermal and struc...

참고문헌 (17)

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  2. Winkler, T. The EcoSwing Project. IOP conference series. Materials science and engineering, vol.502, 012004-.

  3. Sung, H.J., Kim, G.H., Kim, K., Park, M., Yu, I.K., Kim, J.Y.. Design and comparative analysis of 10MW class superconducting wind power generators according to different types of superconducting wires. Physica. C, Superconductivity, vol.494, 255-261.

  4. Hae-Jin Sung, Byeong-Soo Go, Heuijoo Park, Badcock, Rodney A., Minwon Park, In-Keun Yu. Design, Fabrication, and Analysis of HTS Coils for a 10-kW Wind Power Generator Employing a Brushless Exciter. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity : a publication of the IEEE Superconductivity Committee, vol.27, no.4, 1-5.

  5. Sung, Hae-Jin, Go, Byeong-Soo, Park, Minwon. A Performance Evaluation System of an HTS Pole for Large-Scale HTS Wind Power Generators. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity : a publication of the IEEE Superconductivity Committee, vol.29, no.5, 1-5.

  6. Go, Byeong-Soo, Sung, Hae-Jin, Park, Minwon, Yu, In-Keun. Design and Comparative Analysis of Performance Evaluation Systems for a Large-Scale HTS Generator. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity : a publication of the IEEE Superconductivity Committee, vol.29, no.5, 1-5.

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  12. Diao, Kaikai, Sun, Xiaodong, Lei, Gang, Guo, Youguang, Zhu, Jianguo. Multiobjective System Level Optimization Method for Switched Reluctance Motor Drive Systems Using Finite-Element Model. IEEE transactions on industrial electronics : a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, vol.67, no.12, 10055-10064.

  13. Sun, Xiaodong, Shi, Zhou, Lei, Gang, Guo, Youguang, Zhu, Jianguo. Analysis and Design Optimization of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for a Campus Patrol Electric Vehicle. IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, vol.68, no.11, 10535-10544.

  14. Abrahamsen, A B, Mijatovic, N, Seiler, E, Zirngibl, T, Træholt, C, Nørgård, P B, Pedersen, N F, Andersen, N H, Østergård, J. Superconducting wind turbine generators. Superconductor science & technology, vol.23, no.3, 034019-.

  15. Furuse, Mitsuho, Fuchino, Shuichiro, Okano, Makoto, Natori, Naotake, Yamasaki, Hirofumi. Development of a cooling system for superconducting wind turbine generator. Cryogenics, vol.80, no.2, 199-203.

  16. A-Rong Kim, Kwang-Min Kim, Heecheol Park, Gyeong-Hun Kim, Tae-Joon Park, Minwon Park, Seokho Kim, Sangjin Lee, Hongsoo Ha, Sangwon Yoon, Hunju Lee. Performance Analysis of a 10-kW Superconducting Synchronous Generator. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity : a publication of the IEEE Superconductivity Committee, vol.25, no.3, 1-4.

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