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[해외논문] Atomic layer deposition (ALD) of nanoscale coatings on SrAl2O4‐based phosphor powders to prevent aqueous degradation

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.103 no.6, 2020년, pp.3706 - 3715  

Karacaoglu, Erkul (Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Karaman Turkey) ,  Öztürk, Esra (Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Karaman Turkey) ,  Uyaner, Mesut (Aeronautical Engineering Necmettin Erbakan University Konya Turkey) ,  Losego, Mark D. (School of Materials Science and Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta GA USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe aqueous degradation of Eu2+‐activated and Dy3+‐codoped strontium aluminate (SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+, SA2‐Green) long afterglow phosphors synthesized from solid‐state reaction and coated with nanoscale metal oxide protective layers (≤12 nm) via atomic layer depos...

참고문헌 (35)

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  17. Singh, Ankit K., Adstedt, Katarina, Brown, Billyde, Singh, Preet M., Graham, Samuel. Development of ALD Coatings for Harsh Environment Applications. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.11, no.7, 7498-7509.

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  19. Beetstra, Renske, Lafont, Ugo, Nijenhuis, John, Kelder, Erik M., van Ommen, J. Ruud. Atmospheric Pressure Process for Coating Particles Using Atomic Layer Deposition. Chemical vapor deposition : CVD, vol.15, no.7, 227-233.

  20. Piercy, Brandon D., Losego, Mark D.. Tree-based control software for multilevel sequencing in thin film deposition applications. Journal of vacuum science and technology. materials, processing, measurement, & phenomena : JVST B. B, Nanotechnology & microelectronics, vol.33, no.4, 043201-.

  21. Liang, X., Zhan, G.D., King, D.M., McCormick, J.A., Zhang, J., George, S.M., Weimer, A.W.. Alumina atomic layer deposition nanocoatings on primary diamond particles using a fluidized bed reactor. Diamond and related materials, vol.17, no.2, 185-189.

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  31. Luitel, H.N., Watari, T., Torikai, T., Yada, M.. Luminescent properties of Cr3+ doped Sr4Al14O25: Eu/Dy blue-green and red phosphor. Optical Materials, vol.31, no.8, 1200-1204.

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