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[해외논문] Green Tomato Extract Prevents Bone Loss in Ovariectomized Rats, a Model of Osteoporosis 원문보기

Nutrients, v.12 no.10, 2020년, pp.3210 -   

Nirmala, Farida S. (Department of Food Biotechnology, University of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305350, Korea) ,  Lee, Hyunjung (50013@kfri.re.kr (F.S.N.)) ,  Kim, Ji-Sun (tyhap@kfri.re.kr (T.H.)) ,  Ha, Taeyoul (chjung@kfri.re.kr (C.H.J.)) ,  Jung, Chang Hwa (Research Group of Natural Material and Metabolism, Korea Food Research Institute, Wanju 55365, Korea) ,  Ahn, Jiyun (hjlee1120@kfri.re.kr (H.L.))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Although drug therapies are available for postmenopausal osteoporosis, these drugs are not free of side effects and long-term adherence to them are low. A safe and effective nutritional approach to counter postmenopausal osteoporosis is an important research goal. We fed ovariectomized (OVX) Sprague...


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