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[해외논문] Design and characterization of cereblon-mediated androgen receptor proteolysis-targeting chimeras

European journal of medicinal chemistry, v.208, 2020년, pp.112769 -   

Takwale, Akshay D. (Therapeutics and Biotechnology Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ,  Jo, Seung-Hyun (Disease Target Structure Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology) ,  Jeon, Yeong Uk (Therapeutics and Biotechnology Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ,  Kim, Hyung Soo (Department of Chemistry, Korea Univeristy) ,  Shin, Choong Hoon (Department of Chemistry, Sogang Univeristy) ,  Lee, Heung Kyoung (Therapeutics and Biotechnology Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ,  Ahn, Sunjoo (Therapeutics and Biotechnology Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ,  Lee, Chong Ock (Therapeutics and Biotechnology Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ,  Du Ha, Jae (Therapeutics and Biotechnology Division, Korea Research Ins) ,  Kim, Jeong-Hoon ,  Hwang, Jong Yeon

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Proteolysis-targeting chimera (PROTAC)-mediated protein degradation is a rapidly emerging therapeutic intervention that induces the degradation of targeted proteins. Herein, we report the design and biological evaluation of a series of androgen receptor (AR) PROTAC degraders for the treatm...


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