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Effects of alloying elements in high reliability copper wire bond material for high temperature applications

Microelectronics reliability, v.114, 2020년, pp.113819 -   

Eto, M. (Nippon Micrometal Corporation) ,  Araki, N. (Nippon Micrometal Corporation) ,  Yamada, T. (Nippon Micrometal Corporation) ,  Klengel, R. (Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS) ,  Klengel, S. (Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS) ,  Petzold, M. (Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS) ,  Sugiyama, M. (Osaka University) ,  Fujimoto, S. (Osaka University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Recently, a shift from Au bonding wire to Cu bonding wire is expected for automotive application. Palladium coated copper (PCC) wire is strong candidate since it is widely used in LSI packages owing to its high performance and low cost. In order to apply PCC wire to automotive devices, lon...

참고문헌 (14)

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  3. Su 2012 Proc 2012 IEEE 62nd Electronic Components and Technology Conf An evaluation of effects of molding compound properties on reliability of Cu wire components 

  4. Microelectron. Reliab. Uno 51 148 2011 10.1016/j.microrel.2010.03.006 Bond reliability under humid environment for coated copper wire and bare copper wire 

  5. Qin 2013 Proc 2012 IEEE 63rd Electronic Components and Technology Conf Molded reliability study for different Cu wire bonding configurations 

  6. Lee 2016 Proc 2016 IEEE 63th Electronic Components and Technology Conf Copper ball voids for Pd-Cu wires: affecting factors and methods of controlling 

  7. Vanessa 2018 2018 IEEE 38th International Electronics Manufacturing Technology Conf Mold compound and copper wire selection for quad-flat packages with high density leadframe in automotive applications 

  8. Chia 2017 2016 IEEE 37th International Electronics Manufacturing Technology Conf Palladium coated copper wire wedge integrity to withstand extended high temperature storage stress test 

  9. Microelectron. Reliab. Krinke 54 1995 2014 10.1016/j.microrel.2014.07.097 High temperature degradation of palladium coated copper bond wires 

  10. Eto 2017 2017 IEEE 21st European Microelectron and Packaging Conf Newly developed high reliability palladium coated Cu wire for automotive application 

  11. Eto 2017 2017 IEEE 67th Electronic Components and Technology Conf Thermal bond reliability of high reliability new palladium-coated copper wire 

  12. Klengel 2019 2019 IEEE 69th Electronic Components and Technology Conf A new reliable, corrosion resistant gold-palladium coated copper wire material 

  13. Klengel 2019 2019 IEEE 22nd European Microelectron and Packaging Conf Influence of copper wire material to corrosion resistant packages and systems for high temperature applications 

  14. Lorenz 2019 2019 IEEE 22nd European Microelectron and Packaging Conf Investigation of mechanical and microstructure properties of a new, corrosion resistant gold-palladium coated copper bonding wire 

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