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Modeling recreational fishing intensity in a complex urbanised estuary

Journal of environmental management, v.279, 2021년, pp.111529 -   

Griffin, Kingsley J. (Centre for Marine Science and Innovation, University of New South Wales) ,  Hedge, Luke H. (Centre for Marine Science and Innovation, University of New South Wales) ,  Warton, David I. (Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, University of New South Wales) ,  Astles, Karen L. (Marine Ecosystems Unit, Fisheries NSW, Department of Primary Industries) ,  Johnston, Emma L. (Centre for Marine Science and Innovation, University of New South Wales)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Urbanised estuaries, ports and harbours are often utilised for recreational purposes, notably recreational angling. Yet there has been little quantitative assessment of the footprint and intensity of these activities at scales suitable for spatial management. Urban and industrialised estua...


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