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[해외논문] Combining unsupervised and supervised learning in credit card fraud detection

Information sciences, v.557, 2021년, pp.317 - 331  

Carcillo, Fabrizio (Corresponding author.) ,  Le Borgne, Yann-Aël (Machine Learning Group, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Sciences, Université) ,  Caelen, Olivier (Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)) ,  Kessaci, Yacine (R&D Worldline) ,  Oblé, Frédéric (R&D Worldline) ,  Bontempi, Gianluca (R&D Worldline)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Supervised learning techniques are widely employed in credit card fraud detection, as they make use of the assumption that fraudulent patterns can be learned from an analysis of past transactions. The task becomes challenging, however, when it has to take account of changes in customer beh...


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