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[국내논문] A Study on Development of Aquaculture Insurance in Korea
양식수산물재해보험 활성화 방안 연구

水産海洋敎育硏究 = Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education, v.31 no.5 = no.101, 2019년, pp.1325 - 1335  

SHIN, Yong-Min ,  SEO, Hyo-Jeong

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (26)

  1. 한성민. 농업재해보험의 생산량 및 가격 효과에 관한 실증분석. 韓國開發硏究 = KDI journal of economic policy, vol.36, no.4, 135-169.

  2. Kang JH(2014). A Study on the Commercialization for the Expansion of Aquaculture Insurance Items, Korea Maritime Institute's overseas business trip return letter, 1~20. 

  3. 강수진, 정원호. 농작물재해보험의 농가 수입안정 및 사회적 후생 효과 분석. 韓國有機農業學會誌 = Korean journal of organic agriculture, vol.24, no.3, 369-383.

  4. 강수진, 정원호. 양식수산물재해보험의 국가재보험제도 검토 및 개선방안. 海洋政策硏究 = Ocean policy research, vol.32, no.1, 89-119.

  5. Kim HY(2011). Government confined indemnity up to 50 million won, additional indemnity complemented by insurance, Hyundai Haeyang,492. 

  6. Kim SS and Seo ST(2014). Optimal Investigation Strategy for Loss Assessment in Korean Crop Insurance using Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium. Korea Journal of Agricultural Management and Policy, 41(1), 152~171. 

  7. Kim TK, Lin OL(2014). An Efficiency Analysis on the Premium Subsidy Method of Crop Yield Insurance, Korean Journal of Agricultural Economics, 55(4), 23~44. 

  8. Korea Fisheries Association(2017). A Study on the Improvement of Fishery Disaster Support Standards in the Fish Sector, 3~115. 

  9. Korea Fisheries Economic Daily(2019). Aquacultureinsurance, for whom is the system improved? http://www.fisheco.com/detail.php?number=68973&thread=23r01 on August 12. 

  10. Korea Legislation Research Institute(2017). Study on Improving the legal Framework for Catastrophe Insurance in the Agriculture and Fisheries sector for Climate Change Response(Ⅱ): Focus on Fisheries Disaster insurance. 

  11. Korea Ministry of Government Legislation. http://www.law.go.kr/LSW/lsInfoP.do?lsiSeq=199108&efYd=20180529#0000/ on July 5. 

  12. Ma CM, Jung SB, Yoon MK and Hwang SY(2017). A Study on Disaster Risk Management of the Aquaculture Industry, Korea Maritime Institute Basic Study Report, 1~169. 

  13. Ministry of Interior and Safety(2013). Disaster Annual Report, 108~109. 

  14. Ministry of Interior and Safety(2014). Disaster Annual Report, 106~107. 

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  17. Ministry of Interior and Safety(2017). Disaster Annual Report, 159~160. 

  18. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries(2017). Guidelines for Implementation of Marine Fisheries Projects, 415~433. 

  19. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries(2019). Measures to minimize damage from red tide and high water temperatures in 2019, Press Release of MOF. 

  20. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries(2019). The ocean&fisheries in 2019 will be different, Press Release of MOF. 

  21. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries(2019). We improved the system after collecting opinions to secure sustainability of food insurance and maintain the fairness of the fishing human being affected by disasters, Press Release of MOF. 

  22. National Assembly Buget Office(2006). Operation Status and Improvement Plan of Natural Disaster Insurance System, Project Evaluation Issues Analysis, 16. 

  23. National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives(2002). Study on the Insurance System in Fishery. 

  24. Park SC(2014). Study on a development plan for the aquaculture products insurance system, A thesis on the Master's Degree of Chonnam National University. 

  25. Park YJ(2016). Fisheries Safety Insurance Improvement Plan, National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives, Fisheries Issue Analysis, 2016-5, 19. 

  26. Roh YS(2019). Analysis of Agricultural Insurance Subsidy Effects on Insured Acre, A thesis on the Master's Degree of Seoul National University. 

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