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[해외논문] Redirecting dynamic surface restructuring of a layered transition metal oxide catalyst for superior water oxidation

Nature catalysis, v.4 no.3, 2021년, pp.212 - 222  

Wang, Jian ,  Kim, Se-Jun ,  Liu, Jiapeng ,  Gao, Yang ,  Choi, Subin ,  Han, Jeongwoo ,  Shin, Hyeyoung ,  Jo, Sugeun ,  Kim, Juwon ,  Ciucci, Francesco ,  Kim, Hwiho ,  Li, Qingtian ,  Yang, Wanli ,  Long, Xia ,  Yang, Shihe ,  Cho, Sung-Pyo ,  Chae, Keun Hwa ,  Kim, Min Gyu ,  Kim, Hyungjun ,  Lim, Jongwoo

초록이 없습니다.

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