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[해외논문] Based on machine learning scheme to develop a smart robot embedded with GMM-UBM

Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, v.40 no.4, 2021년, pp.7925 - 7937  

Chen, Joy Iong-Zong (Department of Electrical Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Dacun, Changhua, Taiwan (R.O.C.)) ,  Hengjinda, P. (Department of Electrical Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Dacun, Changhua, Taiwan (R.O.C.)) ,  Hsieh, Wen-Hsiang

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Smart Robot embedded with GMM-UBM (Gaussian mixture model- universal background model) based on the machine learning scheme is presented in the article. Authors have designed a smart robot for the farmer and which is designed controlled by the concept of machine learning. On the other hand, the tech...

참고문헌 (20)

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