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[국내논문] Design and Implementation of a Crisis Alert System Based on Disaster and Safety Information
재난안전정보 기반의 위기경보시스템 설계 및 구현 원문보기

디지털콘텐츠학회 논문지 = Journal of Digital Contents Society, v.22 no.1, 2021년, pp.77 - 84  

Shim, Hyoung-Seop

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (23)

  1. Central Disaster Management Headquarters, Pan-Government Countermeasures Support Meeting Briefing, 2020.02.23. 

  2. Ministry of Health and Welfare, Disease Disaster Crisis Management Standard Manual, Joint Ministry, 2019. 

  3. 황요한, 위금숙, 이원호, 양원직. 우리나라 국가위기경보체계의 개선방향. 한국방재안전학회논문집 = Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security, vol.9, no.2, 1-7.

  4. H.J. Lee, Y.G. Park, D.H. Kim, and H. Jo, A Study on Disaster Information Analysis Focused on Consumers-Focusing on Corona 19 Response Risk, Korea Institute of Public Administration, p. 27, 2020. 

  5. Policy Focus, Social Distance through Region Risk Assessment, Policy Briefing, 2020.7.17. [Internet]. Available: https://www.korea.kr/special/policyFocusView.do?newsId=148874829&pageIndex=1&pkgId=49500742&pkgSubId=&pkgSubs=&exceptNewsId=&cardYn=&cateId=&cateIds=&sectId=&sectIds=&dataValue= 

  6. Ministry of the Interior and Safety, “Improve the name of crisis alert”, Press Release, 2017.11.13. 

  7. 김용순, 최돈묵. 재난 관련 표준매뉴얼의 위기경보 개선방안에 관한 연구. 한국화재소방학회 논문지= Fire science and engineering, vol.32, no.6, 126-133.

  8. Ministry of the Interior & Safety, Drought Disaster Crisis Management Standard Manual, Joint Ministry, p. 8, 2018. 

  9. Ministry of the Interior & Safety, Improvement Plan of Crisis Management Standard Manual, 2018. 

  10. K-Water, National Drought Information Portal [Internet]. Available: http://www.drought.go.kr/main.do/. 

  11. Korea Meteorological Administration, Nalsinuri [Internet]. Available: https://www.weather.go.kr/w/index.do/. 

  12. Animal & Plant Quarantine Agency, Korea Animal Health Integrated System [Internet]. Available: http://www.kahis.go.kr/. 

  13. National Institute of Forest Science, National Forest Fire Risk Forecasting System [Internet]. Available: http://forestfire.nifos.go.kr/main.action/. 

  14. 김택민, 김원현, 이성현, 심우배. 재난대응절차별 피해상황관리시스템 요구정보 도출 및 기능설정에 관한 연구. 한국방재학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.16, no.5, 97-104.

  15. K.S. Pyo, "The Improvement of Legal System for Collecting and Sharing Disaster Safety Information", Legislation Conclusion, Ministry of Government Legislation, pp. 55 - 78, September, 2017. 

  16. H.S. Shim and B.J. You, "Status and Characteristics Analysis of Disaster and Safety Information", Conference of Korean Society of Safety, The Korean Society of Safety, October, 2019. 

  17. M.H. Lee, E.J. Lee, and J.H. Rho," A Preliminary Study on Extending OAK Metadata for Research Data, Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 27-51, 2020. 

  18. TTA, Metadata for Management and Sharing of Disaster and Safety Information (TTAK.KO-10.1126), 2019.6.18. 

  19. 10.16981/kliss.48.4.201712.375 

  20. TTA, Classification Scheme for Development of Integrated Metadata for Disaster and Safety Information (TTAK.KO-10.1047), 2018.6.27. 

  21. 서태설, 최희윤. DOI와 오픈액세스를 활용한 학술지의 국제적 이용 활성화 방안. 정보관리연구 = Journal of information management, vol.42, no.4, 1-21.

  22. P.M. Gustavsson, "Tactical Situation Object - Enabling joint Crisis Management Training", European Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 2008. 

  23. KT, DSO Data Sharing Standard Definition Document, 2018. 

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