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[해외논문] Anti-Fatigue Effect of a Dietary Supplement from the Fermented By-Products of Taiwan Tilapia Aquatic Waste and Monostroma nitidum Oligosaccharide Complex 원문보기

Nutrients, v.13 no.5, 2021년, pp.1688 -   

Chen, Ying-Ju (Bachelor Program in Health Care and Social Work for Indigenous Students, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Providence University, Shalu Dist., Taichung 43301, Taiwan) ,  Kuo, Chun-Yen (yjchen5@pu.edu.tw (Y.-J.C.)) ,  Kong, Zwe-Ling (ajyang@pu.edu.tw (A.-J.Y.)) ,  Lai, Chin-Ying (Department of Social Work and Child Welfare, Providence University, Shalu Dist., Taichung 43301, Taiwan) ,  Chen, Guan-Wen (cykuo2@pu.edu.tw) ,  Yang, An-Jen (Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, No.2, Pei-Ning Road, Jhongjheng Dist., Keelung 20224, Taiwan) ,  Lin, Liang-Hung (kongzl@mail.ntou.edu.tw (Z.-L.K.)) ,  Wang, Ming-Fu (chengw@mail.ntou.edu.tw (G.-W.C.))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Taiwan Tilapia is an important aquaculture product in Taiwan. The aquatic by-products generated during Tilapia processing, such as fish bones and skin, are rich in minerals and protein. We aimed to explore the effect of a dietary supplement, comprising a mixture of fermented Tilapia by-products ...


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