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[해외논문] Effects of Photochemical Oxidation of the Carbonaceous Additives on Li-S Cell Performance

ACS applied materials & interfaces, v.13 no.35, 2021년, pp.41517 - 41523  

Park, Jungjin (Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering , University of California Berkeley , Berkeley , California 94720 , United States) ,  Moon, Joonhee (Research Center for Materials Analysis , Korea Basic Science Institute , 169-148 Gwahak Road , Daejeon 34133 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Kookhan (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering , Seoul National University , Seoul 08826 , Republic of Korea) ,  Ri, Vitalii (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Chungnam National University , 99 Daehak Road, Yuseong-gu , Daejeon 34134 , Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Sangheon (Mobile Communications Business , Samsung Electronics , Suwon 16677 , Republic of Korea) ,  Hong, Byung Hee (Department of Chemistry , Seoul National University , Seoul 08826 , Republic of Korea) ,  Sung, Yung-Eun (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering , Seoul National Unive) ,  Kim, Chunjoong ,  Cairns, Elton J.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We introduce a simple and easy way to functionalize the surface of various carbonaceous materials through the ultraviolet light/ozone (UV/O3) plasma where we utilize the zero-, one-, and two-dimensional carbon frameworks. In a general manner, the lamps of a UV/O3 generator create two different wavel...


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