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[해외논문] Germination and Seedling Parameters of Wheat as Affected by Storage Conditions 원문보기

IOP conference series : Earth and environmental science, v.904 no.1, 2021년, pp.012035 -   

Seadh, S E ,  Badawi, M A ,  Abdel-Moneamand, M A ,  Borham, M M E

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractA storage experiment was carried out from 27th April to 27thDecember, 2019 to study the effect of storage conditions i.e. methods (open air, under sunshade and in stores), packages type (normal, gunny, polyethylene and metal containers) and periods of seeds fumigation with phosphine (15, 30 ...

참고문헌 (19)

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  19. J. of Stored Products Res. Collins 41 373 2005 10.1016/j.jspr.2004.05.002 Response of mixed-age cultures of phosphine-resistant and susceptible strains of lesser grain borer, Rhyzoperthadominica, to phosphine at a range of concentrations and exposure periods 

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