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Validation of the Korean Version of the Chronic Kidney Disease Self-Care Scale 원문보기

성인간호학회지 = Korean Journal of Adult Nursing, v.34 no.4, 2022년, pp.360 -   

Seo, Yon Hee (Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Yeoju Institute of Technology, Yeoju, Korea.) ,  Jang, Hye-Young (Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.) ,  Ahn, Jung-Won (Associate Professor, Red Cross College of Nursing, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (32)

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  29. The concept and understanding of structural equation modeling Yu 2016 

  30. Designing and conducting survey research: a comprehensive guide Rea 2014 3 

  31. Scale development: theory and applications DeVellis 2016 4 

  32. Child Development Peña 78 4 1255 2007 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2007.01064.x 

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