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[국내논문] Changes in the Detection Performance of Termatrac T3i as a Reticulitermes Speratus Detection Device According to the Wood(Species and Moisture Content) and Detection(Depth and Direction) Condition 원문보기

보존과학회지 = Journal of conservation science, v.38 no.5, 2022년, pp.549 - 557  

Im, Ik-Gyun ,  Han, Gyu-Seong

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study confirmed the detection performance and applicability of microwave devices used to detect subterranean termites inside the wood. The detection performance of Termatrac T3i decreased as the specific gravity and moisture content increased due to the anisotropy and wave absorption characteri...

참고문헌 (26)

  1. Barwary, Znar, Gorzlancyk, Austin, Hu, Xing Ping. Effects of concentration, distance, and application methods of Altriset (Chlorantraniliprole) on eastern subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Insect science, vol.22, no.3, 451-460.

  2. Berville, L., Darrouzet, E.. Wood excavation, construction, and architecture in two Reticulitermes subterranean termites. Insectes sociaux, vol.66, no.3, 403-411.

  3. 정용재, 김시현, 김윤주, 유재승. 일본흰개미 아종 모니터링 및 군체제거를 위한 예찰제어기 개발 연구. 목재공학 = Journal of the Korean wood science and technology, vol.43, no.6, 818-825.

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  5. Goy, B., Martin, P., Leban, J. -M.. The measurement of wood density by microwave sensor. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, vol.50, no.4, 163-166.

  6. Characteristic of Termite inhabits in South Korea and the control Han 133 1998 

  7. Hickman, Robert, Forschler, Brian T.. Evaluation of a Localized Treatment Technique Using Three Ready-to-Use Products Against the Drywood Termite Incisitermes snyderi (Kalotermitidae) in Naturally Infested Lumber. Insects, vol.3, no.1, 25-40.

  8. Termites: Silent killer, Korea’s first termite attack, resulting in death 2022 

  9. IM, Ik-Gyun, HAN, Gyu-Seong. Reticulitermes Speratus 군체의 모니터링을 위한 염색 시약 선정 및 이종 마킹을 통한 군체 간 식별. 목재공학 = Journal of the Korean wood science and technology, vol.49, no.5, 514-534.

  10. 임익균, 차현석, 강원철, 이상빈, 한규성. 국내 목조문화재에 대한 지중 흰개미 피해 및 모니터링 현황. 보존과학회지 = Journal of conservation science, vol.37, no.3, 191-208.

  11. A wireless sensor network technique and its application in regional landslide monitoring Jeong 19 2018 

  12. Study on the adaption technique for detection of termites using microwave Kim 77 2010 

  13. A study on the distribution characteristics of water quality distribution of wooden cultural properties nationwide Kim 184 2013 

  14. 김민지, 신현경, 최용석, 김광철, 김규혁. 개방에 따른 실내 온습도 변화가 목조문화재 보존환경에 미치는 영향 예측. 목재공학 = Journal of the Korean wood science and technology, vol.43, no.6, 798-803.

  15. Termites and storm and flood damage Climate Change Threatens Cultural Properties 2021 

  16. Rapid thawing of frozen pork by 915 MHz microwave Lee 54 1999 

  17. Comparisons among the number of tree rings and widths in sapwood of Korean red pines from 13 provinces Lee 28 2021 

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  20. Prediction of equilibrium moisture content and investigation of biodeterioration causesin the Korean traditional wooden architectures Na 72 2016 

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  23. Concepts of frequency and utilization planning Park 46 1996 

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  25. An analysis of architectural scale and member dimensions for single story buddist buildings Shin 185 2020 

  26. Taravati, Siavash. Evaluation of Low-Energy Microwaves Technology (Termatrac) for Detecting Western Drywood Termite in a Simulated Drywall System. Journal of economic entomology, vol.111, no.3, 1323-1329.

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