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[국내논문] A Forest Fire Warning System Capable of Real-Time Detection based on Artificial Intelligence
인공지능 기반 실시간 감지가 가능한 산불 경보시스템

韓國情報技術學會論文誌 = Journal of Korean institute of information technology, v.21 no.3, 2023년, pp.61 - 73  

Ahn, Shi-Hyun ,  Park, Yun Ha ,  Moon, Byungin

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (17)

  1. Kong, S.G., Jin, D., Li, S., Kim, H.. Fast fire flame detection in surveillance video using logistic regression and temporal smoothing. Fire safety journal, vol.79, 37-43.

  2. 이승희, 신범주, 송복득, 안선정, 김진동, 이학준. 영상 접합을 이용한 산불 감시 시스템. 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 = The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, vol.13, no.6, 40-47.

  3. Shin, Sung Gyun, Kim, Joo Yeon, Jang, Seungsoo, Lee, Min-Jae, Han, Sangsoo, Choi, Chan-Ho, Kim, Sungkyum, Cho, Woo-Sung, Lee, Janghee, Kim, Song Hyun. A Feasibility Study on Deep Learning-based Automatic Extinguishing Bullet Dropping Point Recommendation for Wildfire Suppression. 韓國情報技術學會論文誌 = Journal of Korean institute of information technology, vol.19, no.3, 15-23.

  4. 김별, 황광일. 딥러닝 기반의 연기 확산거리 예측을 위한 알고리즘 개발 기초연구. 海洋環境安全學會誌 = Journal of the Korean society of marine environment & safety, vol.27, no.1, 22-28.

  5. Chung, Dong Ki, Lee, Myung Hwa, Kim, Hwi Young, Park, Jeong Yong, Lee, Im Pyeong. Development of Forest Fire Monitoring System Using a Long-Term Endurance Solar Powered Drone and Deep Learning. 대한공간정보학회지 = Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science, vol.28, no.2, 29-38.

  6. Lee, Pyeong-Hwa, Song, Ju-Whan. Forest Fire Object Detection Using Deep Learning-Based Algorithm. 디지털콘텐츠학회 논문지 = Journal of Digital Contents Society, vol.23, no.9, 1869-1877.

  7. Kim, Yun-ji, Cho, Hyun-chong. Detecting Location of Fire in Video Stream Environment using Deep Learning. 전기학회논문지 = The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol.69, no.3, 474-479.

  8. Saponara, Sergio, Elhanashi, Abdussalam, Gagliardi, Alessio. Real-time video fire/smoke detection based on CNN in antifire surveillance systems. Journal of real-time image processing, vol.18, no.3, 889-900.

  9. T. H. Kim and J. J. Park, "Image Segmentation for Fire Prediction using Deep Learning", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 65-70, Feb. 2023. https://doi.org/10.7236/JIIBC.2023.23.1.65. 

  10. Zhang, Qi-xing, Lin, Gao-hua, Zhang, Yong-ming, Xu, Gao, Wang, Jin-jun. Wildland Forest Fire Smoke Detection Based on Faster R-CNN using Synthetic Smoke Images. Procedia engineering, vol.211, 441-446.

  11. Cao, Yichao, Yang, Feng, Tang, Qingfei, Lu, Xiaobo. An Attention Enhanced Bidirectional LSTM for Early Forest Fire Smoke Recognition. IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, vol.7, 154732-154742.

  12. Hossain, F.M. Anim, Zhang, Youmin M., Tonima, Masuda Akter. Forest fire flame and smoke detection from UAV-captured images using fire-specific color features and multi-color space local binary pattern. Journal of unmanned vehicle systems = Revue des systèmes de véhicules télécommandés, vol.8, no.4, 285-309.

  13. Jeong, Mira, Park, MinJi, Nam, Jaeyeal, Ko, Byoung Chul. Light-Weight Student LSTM for Real-Time Wildfire Smoke Detection. Sensors, vol.20, no.19, 5508-.

  14. Sousa, Maria João, Moutinho, Alexandra, Almeida, Miguel. Wildfire detection using transfer learning on augmented datasets. Expert systems with applications, vol.142, 112975-.

  15. 류진규, 곽동걸. 딥러닝 기반의 합성곱 신경망을 이용한 화염 및 연기 감지 알고리즘에 관한 연구. 한국방재학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.20, no.1, 223-232.

  16. J. Kim, T. Kwak, and Y. I. Kim, "A Study on Transferring Cloud Dataset for Smoke Extraction Based on Deep Learning", Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 695-706, Oct. 2022. http://doi.org/10.7780/kjrs.2022. 

  17. M. J. Kim, K. R. Kim, and S. H. Baek, "Development of a disaster information delivery application using Cell Broadcast Service", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 57-63, Dec. 2021. https://doi.org/10.7236/JIIBC.2021.21.6.57. 

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