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[국내논문] A Study on the Perception and Intake of Caffeinated Beverages in Adults Aged 20 to 30 Years
20·30대 성인의 카페인 함유음료에 대한 인식 및 섭취실태 연구

東아시아食生活學會誌 = Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life, v.33 no.6, 2023년, pp.545 - 554  

Seo, Bo-Ra ,  Lee, Sim-Yeol

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (26)

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  2. 장영은, 정혜경. 아동의 카페인 섭취실태에 관한 연구. 韓國營養學會誌 = The Korean journal of nutrition., vol.43, no.5, 475-488.

  3. Cheong JH, Choi KA, Kim YM, Kim MH, Choi MK (2021) Awareness and intake of caffeine-containing foods among high school students in Seoul. J Korean Diet Assoc 27(3): 179-190. 

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  11. Kim, Wansoo, Han, Younghee. Consumption and Purchasing Behavior of Beverages Among College Students in Urban Areas. 한국생활과학회지 = Korean journal of human ecology, vol.29, no.2, 241-253.

  12. Ko KK, Kim MH, Lee JH (2019) Intake status and perception of energy drinks according to the gender and obesity of some university students in Chungnam province. Korean J Food Nutr 32(3): 167-178. 

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  21. Park, Eun Jeong, Kim, Seong Yeong. Awareness, Knowledge, and Purchasing Behavior of Caffeine according to the Caffeine Intake Level of High School Students in the Yongin Region. 東아시아食生活學會誌 = Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life, vol.28, no.2, 112-122.

  22. 박정숙, 이은주, 이채영, 정현선. 대학생의 고카페인 에너지음료 섭취실태, 위험 인식 및 부작용 경험. 韓國保健看護學會誌 = Journal of Korean public health nursing, vol.29, no.1, 102-114.

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  26. Yoo, Hyun Suk. Survey on the High-Caffeine Energy Drink Consumption Status of University Students in Seoul. 東아시아食生活學會誌 = Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life, vol.24, no.3,

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