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Surface charge, effective charge and dispersion/aggregation properties of nanoparticles

Polymer international, v.52 no.4, 2003년, pp.619 - 624  

Pochard, Isabelle (LRRS, UMR CNRS 5613, Université) ,  Boisvert, Jean-Philippe (de Bourgogne, 21000 Dijon, France) ,  Persello, Jacques (CRPP, Université) ,  Foissy, Alain (du Qué)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A careful investigation of the relationship between surface properties and colloidal behaviour of nanometric particles in concentrated media has shed some light on the important parameters that must be controlled in order to improve the dispersion of mineral particles. Experimental methods such as r...


참고문헌 (19)

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  5. Pochard, I., Boisvert, J. -P., Malgat, A., Daneault, C.. Donnan equilibrium and the effective charge of sodium polyacrylate. Colloid and polymer science, vol.279, no.9, 850-857.

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  10. Boisvert, Jean-Philippe, Persello, Jacques, Foissy, Alain, Castaing, Jean-Christophe, Cabane, Bernard. Effect of surface charge on the adsorption mode of sodium poly(acrylate) on alumina-coated TiO2 used as coating pigment. Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects, vol.168, no.3, 287-296.

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  15. Boisvert, Jean-Philippe, Persello, Jacques, Castaing, Jean-Christophe, Cabane, Bernard. Dispersion of alumina-coated TiO2 particles by adsorption of sodium polyacrylate. Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects, vol.178, no.1, 187-198.

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  19. Pedersen, Henrik Guldberg, Bergström, Lennart. Forces Measured between Zirconia Surfaces in Poly(acrylic acid) Solutions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, vol.82, no.5, 1137-1145.

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