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[해외논문] Role of Taurine Accumulation in Keratinocyte Hydration 원문보기

The Journal of investigative dermatology, v.121 no.2, 2003년, pp.354 - 361  

Janeke, Guido (Department of Food Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Germany) ,  Siefken, Wilfried (Department of Dermatology, University of Hamburg, Germany) ,  Carstensen, Stefanie (Department of Food Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Germany) ,  Springmann, Gunja (Department of Dermatology, University of Hamburg, Germany) ,  Bleck, Oliver ,  Steinhart, Hans ,  Höger, Peter ,  Wittern, Klaus-Peter ,  Wenck, Horst ,  Stäb, Franz ,  Sauermann, Gerhard ,  Schreiner, Volker ,  Doering, Thomas

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Epidermal keratinocytes are exposed to a low water concentration at the stratum corneum−stratum granulosum interface. When epithelial tissues are osmotically perturbed, cellular protection and cell volume regulation is mediated by accumulation of organic osmolytes such as taurine. Previous stu...

참고문헌 (44)

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