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[해외논문] Carbohydrate structure and differential binding of prostate specific antigen to Maackia amurensis lectin between prostate cancer and benign prostate hypertrophy 원문보기

Glycobiology, v.14 no.8, 2004년, pp.671 - 679  

Ohyama, Chikara (To whom correspondence should be addressed) ,  Hosono, Masahiro (e-mail: coyama@uro.med.tohoku.ac.jp) ,  Nitta, Kazuo (minoru@burnham.org) ,  Oh-eda, Masayoshi (Department of Biochemistry, Cancer Research Institute, Tohoku Pharmaceutical University, Sendai, Japan) ,  Yoshikawa, Kazuyuki ,  Habuchi, Tomonori (Department of Biochemistry, Cancer Research Institute, Tohoku Pharmaceutical University, Sendai, Japan) ,  Arai, Yoichi ,  Fukuda, Minoru (Chugai Pharmaceuticals, Bio-Product Technology Laboratory, Gotenba, Japan)


Serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) assay is widely used for detection of prostate cancer. Because PSA is also synthesized from normal prostate, false positive diagnosis cannot be avoided by the conventional serum PSA test. To apply the cancer-associated carbohydrate alteration to the improvement of PSA assay, we first elucidated the structures of PSA purified from human seminal fluid. The predominant core structure of N-glycans of seminal fluid PSA was a complex type biantennary oligosaccharide and was consistent with the structure reported previously. However, we found the sialic acid α2-3 galactose linkage as an additional terminal carbohydrate structure on seminal fluid PSA. We then analyzed the carbohydrate moiety of serum PSA from the patients with prostate cancer and benign prostate hypertrophy using lectin affinity chromatography. Lectin binding was assessed by lectin affinity column chromatography followed by determining the amount of total and free PSA. Concanavalin A, Lens culinaris, Aleuria aurantia, Sambucus nigra, and Maackia amurensis lectins were tested for their binding to the carbohydrates on PSA. Among the lectins examined, the M. amurensis agglutinin–bound fraction of free serum PSA is increased in prostate cancer patients compared to benign prostate hypertrophy patients. The binding of PSA to M. amurensis agglutinin, which recognizes α2,3-linked sialic acid, was also confirmed by surface plasmon resonance analysis. These results suggest that the differential binding of free serum PSA to M. amurensis agglutinin lectin between prostate cancer and benign prostate hypertrophy could be a potential measure for diagnosis of prostate cancer.

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