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[해외논문] The Effect of Intravaginal Applied GnRH-agonist on the Time of Ovulation and Subsequent Reproductive Performance of Weaned Multiparous Sows

Reproduction in domestic animals : Zuchthygiene, v.39 no.5, 2004년, pp.293 - 297  

Baer, C ,  Bilkei, G

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ContentsIn order to prove the effect of ‘fixed time insemination’ and insemination at standing oestrus after post-weaning application of GnRH, in a Croatian large breeding unit, 502 sows were assigned to three groups and were artificially inseminated (AI) at their first post-weaning oest...

참고문헌 (21)

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  18. Waller, CM, Bilkei, G. Effect of Mating Frequency on Sow Reproductive Performance under Field Conditions and Natural Mating in Large Outdoor Production Units. Reproduction in domestic animals : Zuchthygiene, vol.37, no.2, 116-118.

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