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Study of Enteral versus Parenteral Application of the Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Agonist Gonadorelin[6-D-Phe] (D-Phe6-LHRH) on LH Secretion in Goettinger Miniature Pigs 원문보기

The Journal of reproduction and development, v.53 no.3, 2007년, pp.699 - 706  

BRÜSSOW, Klaus-Peter (Department of Reproductive Biology, FBN Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals) ,  KANITZ, Ellen (Department of Behavioural Physiolog, FBN Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals) ,  TUCHSCHERER, Armin (Department of Genetic and Biometry, FBN Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals) ,  TOSCH, Petra (VetCom-pharma GmbH)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With respect to the assessment of residue situation and as a part of preclinical trials to determine the biological activities of potential gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) residues in porcine organisms the GnRH agonist Gonadorelin[6-D-Phe] (D-Phe6-LHRH) was administered either enterally or int...


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