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[해외논문] Finite element modelling approaches to the accurate dimensional prediction for a cold-forged part

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of engineering manufacture, v.218 no.12, 2004년, pp.1709 - 1722  

Lee, Y S (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials Department of Materials Processing Kyungnam, South Korea) ,  Kwon, Y N (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials Department of Materials Processing Kyungnam, South Korea) ,  Lee, J H (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials Department of Materials Processing Kyungnam, South Korea) ,  Ishikawa, T (Nagoya University Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering Nagoya, Japan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The dimensions of the cold-forged part turn out to be larger than those of the die cavity, since a die can be deformed more elastically than a forged material. To predict precisely the dimensions of the forged part and to determine the die dimensions for net-shape components, dimensional evolution ...

참고문헌 (16)

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  4. X., L., Balendra, R.. Evaluation of FE models for the calculation of die-cavity compensation. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.58, no.2, 212-216.

  5. Rosochowski, A., Balendra, R.. Effect of secondary yielding on nett-shape forming. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.58, no.2, 145-152.

  6. Long, H., Balendra, R.. Evaluation of elasticity and temperature effects on the dimensional accuracy of back-extruded components using finite element simulation. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.80, 665-670.

  7. Rosochowski, A, Balendra, R. Secondary yielding of forged components due to unloading. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.115, no.2, 233-239.

  8. Long, H., Balendra, R.. FE simulation of the influence of thermal and elastic effects on the accuracy of cold-extruded components. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.84, no.1, 247-260.

  9. Qin, Y, Balendra, R, Chodnikiewicz, K. A method for the simulation of temperature stabilisation in the tools during multi-cycle cold-forging operations. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.107, no.1, 252-259.

  10. Balendra, Raj. Nett-shape forming: state-of-the-art. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.115, no.2, 172-179.

  11. Ishikawa, T., Yukawa, N., Yoshida, Y., Kim, H., Tozawa, Y.. Prediction of Dimensional Difference of Product from Tool in Cold Backward Extrusion. CIRP annals ... manufacturing technology, vol.49, no.1, 169-172.

  12. Yang, D Y, Yoon, J H, Lee, C M. Computer-Aided Numerical Analysis and Design for Cold Extrusion of a Spur Gear. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of engineering manufacture, vol.204, no.3, 203-209.

  13. Park, Y.B., Lee, K.H.. Study on the deformation of die and product in closed die upsetting. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.118, no.1, 417-421.

  14. Lee, Young-Seon, Lee, Jung-Hwan, Choi, Jong-Ung, Ishikawa, T. Experimental and analytical evaluation for elastic deformation behaviors of cold forging tool. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.127, no.1, 73-82.

  15. Lee, Youngseon, Lee, Junghwan, Ishikawa, T. Analysis of the elastic characteristics at forging die for the cold forged dimensional accuracy. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.130, 532-539.

  16. Lee, Youngseon, Lee, Junghwan, Kwon, Yongnam, Ishikawa, T. Modeling approach to estimate the elastic characteristics of workpiece and shrink-fitted die for cold forging. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.147, no.1, 102-110.

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