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[해외논문] Lamb meat quality of two breeds with protected origin designation. Influence of breed, sex and live weight 원문보기

Meat science, v.71 no.3, 2005년, pp.530 - 536  

Teixeira, A. (Escola Superior Agrá) ,  Batista, S. (ria, Instituto Polité) ,  Delfa, R. (cnico de Braganç) ,  Cadavez, V. (a, Apartado 172, 5301-855 Braganç)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractLamb meat quality of two Portuguese products was examined. The influences of slaughter weight, sex and breed on eating quality were evaluated. Data were obtained from 72 lambs of two different breeds with protected designation origin. In accord with the normal slaughter weight in the region ...


참고문헌 (36)

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