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[해외논문] Identification of cell wall genes modified by a permissive high temperature in Chinese cabbage

Plant science, v.171 no.1, 2006년, pp.175 - 182  

Yang, K.A. ,  Lim, C.J. ,  Hong, J.K. ,  Park, C.Y. ,  Cheong, Y.H. ,  Chung, W.S. ,  Lee, K.O. ,  Lee, S.Y. ,  Cho, M.J. ,  Lim, C.O.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

If plants are pre-exposed to moderate heat stress, they can acquire enhanced tolerance to otherwise lethal high temperatures. To elucidate gene regulatory events involved in the acquisition of thermotolerance, we here conducted a comprehensive transcriptomic analysis. Chinese cabbage microarrays (Br...


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