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[해외논문] Using readership research to study employee views

Public relations review, v.16 no.2, 1990년, pp.50 - 60  

Pavlik, J. ,  Vastyan, J. ,  Maher, Maj.M.F.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A readership survey reveals that medical center employees with a higher level of organizational integration often place more emphasis on reading the employee newsletter to survey system functions and the employee social network. Consequently, reading for those reasons increases readership of two con...

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Public Relations Review Grunig 2 2 252 1976 Communication Behaviors Occurring in Decision and Nondecision Situations 

  2. Public Relations Review Grunig 3 4 61 1977 10.1016/S0363-8111(77)80006-4 Evaluating Employee Communications in a Research Operation 

  3. Journalism Quarterly Grunig 55 1 109 1979 10.1177/107769907805500115 Time Budgets, Level of Involvement and use of the Mass Media 

  4. Public Relations Review Grunig 8 3 43 1982 10.1016/S0363-8111(82)80031-3 Developing Economic Education Programs for the Press 

  5. Grunig 1985 Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association A Structural Reconceptualization of the Organizational Communication Audit, with Application to a State Department of Education 

  6. Communication Research Jeffres 2 136 1975 10.1177/009365027500200202 Functions of Media Behaviors 

  7. Katz 1974 

  8. Marks 1987 internal memo 

  9. Public Relations Review Netteberg 10 2 63 1984 10.1016/S0363-8111(84)80008-9 Evaluating Change: A Church Publication Studies its Readers 

  10. Pavlik 8 23 1982 Why Employees Read Company Newsletters 

  11. 1983 

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