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Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymorphism of the alpha 1-antitrypsin gene in chronic lung disease. 원문보기

British medical journal, v.294 no.6586 = no.6586, 1987년, pp.1511 - 1514  

Kalsheker, N A ,  Hodgson, I J ,  Watkins, G L ,  White, J P ,  Morrison, H M ,  Stockley, R A

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Specific gene probes were used to study restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the human alpha 1-antitrypsin gene. A polymorphism due to loss of a recognition site for the restriction enzyme Taq I was identified in eight of 42 patients with bronchiectasis and nine of 49 patients with pulmonary...

참고문헌 (29)

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  29. Accepted 15 1987 (Accepted 15 April 1987) 

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