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[해외논문] A Comparison of Replicate Field Samples Collected with the Bi-Air, Air-O-Cell, and Graesby-Andersen N6 Bioaerosol Samplers 원문보기

Aerosol science and technology : the journal of the American Association for Aerosol Reserch, v.41 no.8, 2007년, pp.761 - 769  

Spurgeon, Joe (Bayshore Environmental, Inc..)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Bi-Air (BA) and Air-O-Cell (AOC) cassettes have been compared for the collection of Aspergillus/Penicillium (Asp/Pen) and Chaetomium spores based on replicate and/or duplicate samples collected under typical field conditions. Total culturable Asp and Pen concentrations were also compared for th...

참고문헌 (16)

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  2. Baxter, Daniel, Perkins, Jimmy, McGhee, Charles, Seltzer, James. A Regional Comparison of Mold Spore Concentrations Outdoors and Inside “Clean” and “Mold Contaminated” Southern California Buildings. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, vol.2, no.1, 8-18.

  3. Chen, Bean, Feather, Gregory, Maynard, Andrew, Rao, Carol. Development of a Personal Sampler for Collecting Fungal Spores. Aerosol science and technology : the journal of the American Association for Aerosol Reserch, vol.38, no.9, 926-937.

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  6. Eduard, W, Aalen, O. The effect of aggregation on the counting precision of mould spores on filters.. The Annals of occupational hygiene, vol.32, no.4, 471-479.

  7. EDUARD, WIJNAND, LACEY, JOHN, KARLSSON, KATRIN, PALMGREN, URBAN, STRÖM, GUNNAR, BLOMQUIST, GÖRAN. Evaluation of Methods for Enumerating Microorganisms in Filter Samples from Highly Contaminated Occupational Environments. American Industrial Hygiene Association journal, vol.51, no.8, 427-436.

  8. Feather, Greg A., Chen, Bean T.. Design and Use of a Settling Chamber for Sampler Evaluation Under Calm-Air Conditions. Aerosol science and technology : the journal of the American Association for Aerosol Reserch, vol.37, no.3, 261-270.

  9. Foto, M., Vrijmoed, L. L. P., Miller, J. D., Ruest, K., Lawton, M., Dales, R. E.. A comparison of airborne ergosterol, glucan and Air-O-Cell data in relation to physical assessments of mold damage and some other parameters. Indoor air, vol.15, no.4, 257-266.

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  12. McDevitt, James, Lees, Peter, Merz, William, Schwab, Kellogg. Use of Green Fluorescent Protein-Expressing Aspergillus fumigatus conidia to Validate Quantitative PCR Analysis of Air Samples Collected on Filters. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, vol.2, no.12, 633-640.

  13. McGrath, James J., Wong, Wing C., Cooley, J. Danny, Straus, David C.. Continually Measured Fungal Profiles in Sick Building Syndrome. Current microbiology, vol.38, no.1, 33-36.

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  15. Spurgeon, Joe. A New Filter Cassette for the Direct Microscopic Examination of Airborne Fungal Spores. Aerosol science and technology : the journal of the American Association for Aerosol Reserch, vol.40, no.11, 1043-1051.

  16. Pictorial Atlas of Soil and Seed Fungi Watanabe T. 1994 

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