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[해외논문] Improving molecular detection of Candida DNA in whole blood: comparison of seven fungal DNA extraction protocols using real-time PCR 원문보기

Journal of medical microbiology, v.57 no.3, 2008년, pp.296 - 303  

Metwally, L. (Department of Medical Microbiology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland) ,  Fairley, D. J. (Department of Medical Microbiology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland) ,  Coyle, P. V. (Department of Medical Microbiology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland) ,  Hay, R. J. (Queen's University of Belfast, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Belfast, Northern Ireland) ,  Hedderwick, S. (Department of Infectious Diseases, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland) ,  McCloskey, B. (Regional Intensive Care Unit, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland) ,  O'Neill, H. J. (Department of Medical Microbiology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland) ,  Webb, C. H. (Department of Medical Microbiology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland) ,  Elbaz, W. (Department of Infectious Diseases, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland) ,  McMullan, R. (Department of Medical Microbiology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The limitations of classical diagnostic methods for invasive Candida infections have led to the development of molecular techniques such as real-time PCR to improve diagnosis. However, the detection of low titres of Candida DNA in blood from patients with candidaemia requires the use of extraction m...

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