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[해외논문] Nutrition in conflict situations 원문보기

The British journal of nutrition, v.96 suppl.1, 2006년, pp.S17 - S19  

Egal, Florence

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

High prevalence of malnutrition is often linked to conflict situations. Conflicts affect local livelihoods, impair productive activities and limit access to safe foods and basic services. Strategies to protect and promote nutrition of affected households and communities must be based on an understan...

참고문헌 (6)

  1. Commodity Distribution, A Practical Guide for Field Staff 1995 

  2. Integration of HIV/AIDS Activities with Food and Nutrition Support in Refugee Settings: Specific Programme Strategies 2004 

  3. Young, Helen, Borrel, Annalies, Holland, Diane, Salama, Peter. Public nutrition in complex emergencies. The Lancet, vol.364, no.9448, 1899-1909.

  4. Salama, Peter, Spiegel, Paul, Talley, Leisel, Waldman, Ronald. Lessons learned from complex emergencies over past decade. The Lancet, vol.364, no.9447, 1801-1813.

  5. United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition (2000) Report of the Meeting of the Working Group on Nutrition in Emergencies. http://www.unsystem.org/scn/Publications/AnnualMeeting/SCN26/nutritionemergencies.htm 

  6. Collins, Steve. Changing the way we address severe malnutrition during famine. The Lancet, vol.358, no.9280, 498-501.

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