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[해외논문] Effects of Resistance Training on Lower-Extremity Impairments in Older People With Hip Fracture

Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, v.89 no.9, 2008년, pp.1667 - 1674  

Portegijs, Erja (Finnish Centre for Interdisciplinary Gerontology, University of Jyvä) ,  Kallinen, Mauri (skylä) ,  Rantanen, Taina (, Jyvä) ,  Heinonen, Ari (skylä) ,  Sihvonen, Sanna (, Finland) ,  Alen, Markku (Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyvä) ,  Kiviranta, Ilkka (skylä) ,  Sipilä, Sarianna (, Jyvä)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractPortegijs E, Kallinen M, Rantanen T, Heinonen A, Sihvonen S, Alen M, Kiviranta I, Sipilä S. Effects of resistance training on lower-extremity impairments in older people with hip fracture.ObjectiveTo study the effects of resistance training on muscle strength parameters, mobility, and...


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